In previous articles (part 1, part2) we created chatbot for Telegram. As I promised, here we will configure some settings of our bot: commands list profile photo about text bot description Let’s begin by configuring our commands list. Commands list Command list represents the commands supported by the bot. Telegram suggests them when user types / […]
Author: Oleksandr Tarasenko

Sling Models: How to write Sling Model Injector
Once I needed to write several debugging servlets for some functionality. Those servlets had to accept a big pile of parameters and I was tired of having tens of rows like String paramValue = request.getParameter(“paramName”). Luckily, I’ve already known Sling Models. So I’ve decided to find the way to inject these parameters into the model, […]

Bot Dev: Write a stateful Telegram bot – Part 2
In the first article, we implemented pretty simple Telegram bot, which gathers user requests to fix something. It’s already can be used in our business while we want to post-process requests with a separate tool. But, maybe, it would be too easy for us, so we will go ahead. Application Requirements In this article we […]

Sling Models: Why do I like @Self annotation?
At some point, Hexagonal architecture has been introduced to me. It espouses a one-way flow of dependencies – from the outside, in. And this is a great way to increase maintainability. However, we still need to access request and other external resources in our Sling Models. That is where @Self annotation can be used. @Self […]

Bot Dev: Write a stateful Telegram bot – Part 1
Why do we need all these bots? Why people are talking about them so much? What the bot is good for? Look around, it’s 2017 outside and nobody uses phones for calls only. Even more: today a lot of people prefer chatting to calling somebody. But, you are still forced to make calls to get […]